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Örebro student union council

The General Assembly is the organizations highest decision-making body.
Simply translated, the full council is the Örebro student union's own parliament.
The council's role today is to set the overall direction for the Örebro student union as an organization and activity and to be responsible for the full-time employees elected by the council.

The full council consists of 41 members from each union section, the members are elected by the union section's members to represent the union section and make its case.
Every regular member of the Örebro student union has the right to submit points to the council.


The council handles at its meetings:

  • Proposals – proposals from the union board

  • Lösnummer motions - proposals from Lösnummer's board

  • Motions - suggestions from members

  • Interpellations – written question from a member/body to the ÖS representative/body

  • Discussion questions - general discussion

  • Election of student representatives and full-time employees - election of positions of trust within ÖS

Presidium of the full council meeting

The council meetings are convened and chaired by the council's meeting presidium. The meeting presidium consists of a meeting chairman and a meeting secretary. The meeting chairman has overall responsibility for handling summons and documents as well as leading the meeting at the time of the meeting. The meeting secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of the meeting at the time of the meeting and handles the practical work around council meetings such as registration of members, booking premises and food.

Meeting secretary
Jakob Hagström
Meeting chairman
Zack Pettersson

Elections to the council

Elections to the council take place every spring semester before a new business year. At the section meeting, the corps sections regular members and deputies to the council are voted for by the members of their corps section. The requirements that exist in order to be elected as a council member at a union section are:

  • current regular membership in Örebro student union

  • registered affiliation with the corps section for which one is applying

If all places are not filled during the spring semester election, additional members, both regular and deputy, can be elected continuously during the financial year by the section meeting

The council members assignment

Each union section itself regulates the duties of its councilors in its own regulations and governing documents. However, the basic idea is that a councilor is an elected representative of his union section. This means that it is above all the opinions of the union section that must be presented at council meetings.

Before each council meeting, the council documents are discussed at each union sections meeting. Attend your union section meeting to participate in council discussions or get in touch with one of your sections council members.

Opinion square


Before each council meeting, a so-called opinion square is organized where rapporteurs for all propositions, motions, interpellations and discussion points give speeches and answer questions from council members and other actors within the council.

The purpose of this is that council members, union section boards and the union board will have the opportunity to discuss, criticize, brainstorm thoughts and ideas and exchange opinions before the upcoming council meeting. In this way, all proposals have been reviewed and discussed and the time for the actual council meeting can be shortened.

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