
The Grythyttan union section represents the students at the Restaurant and Hotel College in Grythyttan. We work hard to ensure that you get as good and rewarding a study environment as possible. Grythyttan's corps section works with educational supervision and the introduction for new students as well as various dinners and events.
As part of the Örebro student union, we are a non-partisan, trade union and religiously independent organization that promotes the students' interests in a number of different issues. The organization is controlled from below, it must be seen that it is important to be a member. Örebro student union is the student voice.
Our operations are governed by our members via the section meeting. Our statutes, business plan and budget are decided there. Get in the habit of going to all section meetings and you can make sure to influence and develop our business.
If you have any questions or requests, you can find us in the section's premises in Hälsans hus, which we share with the student pub.

Gryhyttan board members
Roll | Förnamn | Efternamn | E-post |
Ordförande | Eric | Aderskog | |
Vice ordförande | Samuel | Ersenius | |
Utbildningsbevakare | Lucas | Andersson | |
Näringslivsansvarig | Nicolas | Kaoukji | |
Projekt och rekrytering | Elton | Oldén | |
Ekonomiansvarig | Hilda | Leijon | |
Skyddsombud | Adam | Wiklund | |
General | Ella | Wallin | |
General | Lina | Mäkiranta | |
Education that belongs to Grythyttan
Programs at undergraduate level
Culinary chef and meal creator
Sommelier and meal creator
Hospitality Management
Meal knowledge