What is a section?
Örebro student union consists of nine union sections that together represent all students and doctoral students at Örebro University. The choir sections are structured based on the university's organizational structure so that we can best represent different students. Which union section a student belongs to is therefore determined by which education/course they are studying. The doctoral section gathers all doctoral students regardless of subject.
The activities of the corps sections
The choir sections exist for and are made up of their members. Those involved are students who at Örebro University want to get as much as possible out of their own and others study time. For the union sections, this means organizing study social activities such as sit-ins, lectures and meetings with the business community. This includes working politically against/with the institution and appointing student representatives to improve the quality of studies. This includes taking care of and introducing new students who come to Örebro University.
The structure of the corps sections
Common to all union sections is that their activities are managed by boards appointed by the union sections members.
The scope of the sections own councils and committees varies between the sections in everything from education committees to student social committees and business committees.