Excellent Teaching Award 2024
Now you can participate in choosing the best teacher of the year.
There are many knowledgeable, educational and committed teachers at the university
- but who has that little something extra?
That teacher who, according to you,
conveys knowledge in a particularly committed way.
Now is the time for you students to nominate the teachers
you think deserve to receive the pedagogical award for 2024.
Örebro student union then appoints two award winners.
The nomination period is open from 21th of October to 10th of November.
The prize is awarded to two teachers who have shown the will and ability to create,
together with the students, a study situation that, on an academic basis,
is characterized by innovative thinking in higher education pedagogy,
active knowledge development, critical thinking and international perspectives.
Who can you nominate?
You can nominate teachers at Örebro University, but not guest lecturers or hourly employees.
What do winning teachers get?
The award consists of a scholarship to be used for the teacher´s pedagogical development.
The prize is awarded below the university´s academic holiday.
…about the educational prize?
Contact Jakob Hagström, Örebro student union - polsek@orebrostudentkar.se
…about the form?
Contact Carolina Wittenfelt, Örebro University - carolina.wittenfelt@oru.se