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Nominate your favorite teacher for the Excellent Teaching Award 2024

Viktor Breström, Vice President of Educational Policy

It's time for students to make their voices heard and nominate the teachers they believe deserve to be rewarded with the prestigious Teaching Award for 2024. Örebro Student Union has the honor of selecting two winners this year.

There are many knowledgeable, pedagogical, and dedicated teachers at the university – but who has that little extra? The teacher who, in your opinion, conveys knowledge in an especially engaging way. Now it's your chance as a student to nominate the teacher you think deserves the Excellent Teaching Award for 2024. Örebro Student Union will then select two winners based on the nominations. The nomination period is open from October 21 to November 10.


The award is given to two teachers who have demonstrated the will and ability to work with students to create a learning environment that, on an academic basis, fosters innovation in higher education pedagogy, active knowledge development, critical thinking, and incorporates international perspectives.

Who can you nominate?

You can nominate teachers at Örebro University, but guest lecturers or part-time teachers are not eligible.

What do the winning teachers receive?

The award consists of a scholarship to be used for the teacher’s pedagogical development. The award is presented during the university's academic ceremony.


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