
Qultura works hard to ensure that you as a student have the opportunity to get involved during your studies. Whether you get involved as a general, sponsor, student representative, council member or board member, we promise that you will have an opportunity to grow as a person and to become part of our wonderful community.
Qultura is one of nine union sections that make up the Örebro student union, and our activities largely revolve around social events and educational coverage. We create sit-ins and other social events for you who are members of Qultura to participate in. Go to our website (see right) to keep track of what's happening with us!
Your education is important to us! Our task is to ensure that your opinions about your education lead to action at the university. If you have questions about your rights and obligations, please contact our education supervisor! The more we are, the more it legitimizes our common views. So make sure to become a member of the Örebro student union and thus of Qultura.
A large part of our business is run via Qultura´s board. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact someone on the board if you have questions or concerns or want to get involved!

Qulturas´s board members
Roll | Förnamn | Efternamn | E-post |
Ordförande | Amanda | Gran Danielsson | ordforande@qultura.se |
Vice ordförande | Christina | Dahl | qultura.ks@orebrostudentkar.se |
Utbildningsbevakare | Mimmi | Bergström | utbildningsbevakare@qultura.se |
Näringslivsansvarig | Charlie | Josephsson | naringslivsansvarig@qultura.se |
Klubbmästare | Linnéa | Lundevall | klubbmastare@qultura.se |
Medlemsansvarig/medlemsrekryterare | Ellen | Bohl Jörg | medlemsrekryterare@qultura.se |
Kommunikatör | Hedda | Gulliksson | kommunikator@qultura.se |
Ekonomiansvarig | Rasmus | Enqvist | ekonomiansvarig@qultura.se |
Studerandeskyddsombud | Marie | Johansson | skyddsombud@qultura.se |
FUM-ledamot | Anthon | Svensson | qultura.fum@orebrostudentkar.se |
FUM-ledamot | Maria | Engström | qultura.fum@orebrostudentkar.se |
FUM-ledamot | Joachim | Åström | qultura.fum@orebrostudentkar.se |
Education that belongs to Qultura
Programs at undergraduate level
Artistic bachelors program, majoring in jazz and rock music
Artistic bachelors program, specialization chamber music
Artistic bachelors program, majoring in composition
Artistic bachelors program, specialization music production and songwriting
Music, culture and media
The theater teacher program
The subject teacher program with a focus on music
Programs at advanced level
Master program in musicology
Interaction/making music
Musical direction/leadership
Music theory
Musical embodiment