Student representatives
Purpose of student representation
One of the Örebro student union´s most important missions is to appoint student representatives to bodies and councils within Örebro University where decisions are prepared, or where decisions are made on issues related to the students education or situation.
The representatives task is to present opinions and speak for all students at Örebro University, regardless of whether they are members of the student union or not. This is done so that students will have visibility and the opportunity to influence the university´s operations according to law.
"Students have the right to be represented when decisions are made or preparations are made that have significance for the education or the student´s situation"
– The Higher Education Act Chapter 2 § 7

What does a student representative do?
As a student representative, you have the mandate to speak for all students at Örebro University. You sit in on meetings where various matters are raised in matters relating to everything from education, research, internationalization issues, disciplinary matters and more, depending on which body or council you have a position on. You are expected to come prepared and read the documents that are sent out in advance to be a contributing participant at the gathering of the meeting. If, as a representative, you want to discuss documents before the meeting with something in the Örebro student union, please contact the ÖS coordinator.
What do I get out of being a student representative?
Student representatives get a unique opportunity to discuss and influence the university in matters relating to the quality of education and the physical and psychosocial environment at universities. You also gain an insight and practical knowledge of meeting procedures. As a student representative, you can get a certificate for your assignment, which can be a merit for future jobs, and some of the assignments are also remunerated.
How do I become a student representative?
Every spring term, the Örebro student union holds Kårval, when the student representative positions for the coming year are chosen. The corps election takes place both in the corps sections and in the ÖS plenipotentiary. In the union sections, student representatives are elected to bodies within the departments. In the council, student representatives are elected to bodies that are overall for large parts of or for the entire university´s organization and operations. Before the election, a nomination period is held where all members of the Örebro student union can
nominate themselves or someone they think would be suitable for a specific post. Keep your eyes open for the nomination period. Sometimes it happens that not all places are filled at the time of the election, or that they become vacant during the school year. Then you can find the available posts via the "available posts" button on the right. You will also find information about all representative assignments on the button below.
Click here to read the Örebro student union´s election regulations
Do you have questions about student representation? Contact the Örebro student union coordinator via samordnare@orebrostudentkar.se.
Do you want to get involved specifically with your institution? Contact the responsible corps section for more information on how to proceed.