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As vice-chair with responsibility for student social affairs, you work with political advocacy, both locally and nationally, and represent all students at Örebro University in student social affairs. Student social affairs concern the conditions for studies such as the study environment, security, equality, student housing and social activities. You work with student housing policy issues and therefore engage in dialogue with student housing companies in Örebro, participate in student housing conferences and are the media's contact person on these issues.

You are also the main student safety representative and convene the Örebro Student Union's safety council, sit on the university's Safety Committee and building meetings. There you represent the students on safety issues and the physical, mental and psychosocial study environment. You also participate in safety rounds and safety walks on the university's three campuses. As a member of the university's Equality Council, you represent the students on equality issues and are ultimately responsible for equality issues concerning students and education. You are ultimately responsible for the introduction from the Örebro Student Union and sit on the Qrake group together with the Introduction Manager and the generals of all union sections.

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